Has . ANY . uk wide research be GIVEN in order to FIND how it is possible to CAUSE extraneous day difficulties . THOUGH . also methods to degrade home conditions . bank accounts & health .
I have NOTICED with my own ISSUES with Legal & Psychiatry control of my Life some very Mad & Evil Methods . These being a POSSIBLY devious & sadistic sad to say MOTHER that DECIDED that I was to be taken to a psychiatrist around 30 Years Ago .
THOUGH . perhaps normal conventional routes to be Given possibly persistent and health employment were DENIED at this time communications was from postal paper letters a vast number of these were ignored at considerable expense and time . The OBVIOUS consequence was poverty & life distress .
THEN . I was demanded to see a psychiatrist at the LOCATION of . Brindle House . HYDE . Cheshire . this was THEN at least a 35 years time span with no fast track help to be extracted from the continual madness . It mean't a vast time span of detainment .
THEN . poverty .THEN . health damage . That no genuine health concern was prepared to stop .
THEN . I was possibly used for my car from my Mother . THEN . I found regular issues of possible devious damage possibly sabotage in a vulnerable area with my Mother explaining that no cameras are to watch my car . THEN a demand after to have my Driving Licence taken from me for at least 30 Years .
THEN . without a healthy account balance and without any before idea of housing issues moved into housing that had specific vulnerable design issues followed with specific decision of landlord to move at other flats that would be in my day area and adjoining ceiling a time line of anti social neighbours that would decided to cause . noise . litter debris . vandalism . violent inclined behaviour . Then . the landlord would be aware of this and give no fast track compensation and no responsible home security .
THOUGH . also allow rooms to be without sensible modernisation and then decide almost a year ago to fit a £ 3 K . That's a £ 3000 heating system . remove the lounge fire leaving only radiators that can't be made to heat rooms because of possible electronics settings pressure with the supposed new heating . Though . I wasn't told at this time that I would need to send home possessions to an expensive and insecure storage facility with no store area room customer monitoring . This does seem to yet another what is termed and named " proxy scam "
THEN . This caused the home possession to be stored in a facility in Denton for almost a year at possibly around £ 1200 cost . Though . after a check it seems that the storage room has altered panels because there is property missing . This storage room in Denton doesn't have ANY customer camera encrypted monitoring and the owner explains that what he says goes .
THEN . the issues at the moment are no savings to pay for this possible home possessions proxy scam and then I could find a paper letter posted saying that all of my home possessions have been taken . A conversation a number of months ago found the storage company manager shouting aggressively on the telephone saying I owed £ 3000 and I didn't pay then all of my property would be disposed of . There is a recording of the call as well .
THEN . A new meter was fitted and this was found later to have wireless signal methods to switch of the electric and gas without a visit and also I wasn't in debt with bills at that time . I had no home electric at that time and had to struggle for cleaning teeth with a led light torch the neighbours hotel refused to give me a room & I had to then be yoyoed around in expensive taxis to other hotels to find terms and conditions restrictions and refusal for hotel room . Then . when I walked away from the hotel a demand for what remaining money I had was said with also a threat of a death attempt .
THEN . logically and sensibly there is no OBVIOUS Fast Track employment help with a Good Healthy wage that is persistent . Though . prone to deception scams being asked to attend interview though no signage and a false address then companies website address being re typed . Then . employment issues with demand to call expensive mobile telephone numbers though most of the time the call isn't answered . Then . use of temp job companies with demand for telephoning every day else sending a message every day with no sensible healthy persistent work as was a stable issue with my grand parents job around 60 years ago .
THEN . at the moment I have 2 amounts of money . 1 of these has found the weekly money reduced at least around £ 125 . though . no refund and re in statement for at least 6 months . Though the other amount a letter given yesterday ( Wednesday . 27 Th September . 2017 ) demanding that I give back money supposedly saying from the . D.W.P. that is the department of work & pensions . that were not TOLD that was being belted and vandalised home front door detained even though there is a . NHS ward clerk . This home front door is still damaged after 6 months with the company . M & Y . repairs saying supposedly the door has to be ordered . though . there is a door company around a 15 minutes walk away . Though . also there is no radiators capable to give any heat in lounge . bathroom . kitchen . bedroom for at least around 5 months .
This is Some . Though not all of an OBVIOUS Vast List of 21 St Century Human Rights abuses & deceit . THOUGH . I have checked other peoples stories & the same Sadistic Methods are suffered with other Peoples Lives .
It's NOW . 1-51 AM . Thursday . 28 Th September . 2017
Could at the Fastest Time some Emergency Help be posted & actioned because of this . THOUGH . also a dam sight more media teams to Explain the devious degradation & destruction of a few more Lives .
Thank You for KIND Commitments !